Minggu, 22 Maret 2020


        In this world there are many infectious diseases, and what is in a stir right now is about the COVID-19 virus. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This virus is more dangerous than the H1N1 virus. There are thousands of people who died because of this virus, therefore we must be aware of it. There are several ways to prevent contracting this virus.

    Every day we unconsciously hold objects that are around us like money, handphone or something else. And we know that the object is not sterile. In this case, don't touch your face with your hand before you wash your hand. Because, our hand has many bacteria and virus if Corona Virus has on your hand and you are touch your face you will be infected with the virus. Because we know about that, so we should bring handsanitizer or always wash your hands after handling objects such as cellphones or money to kill all the viruses that are in our hands.

   Second we must know about cough etiquette. When we get couch we must close our mouth with tissue or with Handkerchief. Because this virus spreads through droplets such as saliva and sweat, even we didn't have this virus on our body, but this option must we do it. And after that, dont forget to sterile your hand with handsanitizer.

     Next, Social distancing or minimize contact with otheer people to diminish the risk of contagion. If an infected person sneezes and can spits out saliva usually it is up 1 meter. So, you should away from another and just stay in your home or you'll be infected from others.

    Those are some ways to avoid the corona virus, still healthy and please just stay at home and dont forget to eat nutritious foods to keep your body healthy, and always keep yourself clean.

4 komentar:

  1. Hi Tiara,

    Thank you for the nice ideas you have regarding the Covid19. Putting some more details in your paragraphs would make them much better.

    Keep up writing. Keep healthy!

  2. Hello Tiara. I like your ideas, but maybe you can make them more details later.
    Be healthy and #dirumahaja

  3. Hello tiara, it's a great writing.. But, please making some more details on your essay. I think it's better tiara..
    Please stay at your home and keep healthy tiara!
