Minggu, 22 Maret 2020


        In this world there are many infectious diseases, and what is in a stir right now is about the COVID-19 virus. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This virus is more dangerous than the H1N1 virus. There are thousands of people who died because of this virus, therefore we must be aware of it. There are several ways to prevent contracting this virus.

    Every day we unconsciously hold objects that are around us like money, handphone or something else. And we know that the object is not sterile. In this case, don't touch your face with your hand before you wash your hand. Because, our hand has many bacteria and virus if Corona Virus has on your hand and you are touch your face you will be infected with the virus. Because we know about that, so we should bring handsanitizer or always wash your hands after handling objects such as cellphones or money to kill all the viruses that are in our hands.

   Second we must know about cough etiquette. When we get couch we must close our mouth with tissue or with Handkerchief. Because this virus spreads through droplets such as saliva and sweat, even we didn't have this virus on our body, but this option must we do it. And after that, dont forget to sterile your hand with handsanitizer.

     Next, Social distancing or minimize contact with otheer people to diminish the risk of contagion. If an infected person sneezes and can spits out saliva usually it is up 1 meter. So, you should away from another and just stay in your home or you'll be infected from others.

    Those are some ways to avoid the corona virus, still healthy and please just stay at home and dont forget to eat nutritious foods to keep your body healthy, and always keep yourself clean.

Minggu, 01 Maret 2020

My experience about scout.

     The Scout movement, also known as Scouting or the Scouts, is a voluntary non-political educational movement for young people open to all without distinction of gender, origin, race or creed, in accordance with the purpose, principles and method conceived by the founder, Lord Baden-Powell. Scout movement originated in British in 1908. Scouting is one of the many extracurriculars in the school. When I was in high school I chose Boy Scouts as my extracurricular choice because it really caught my attention. In scouting I got a lot of experience and lessons.

    First about Independence. As scouts we are required to be independent and not spoiled. There is no such thing as being spoiled or whining. As scouts we must be strong and resilient. At Boy Scouts we are trained to be strong and not weak, be brave too. Then about Teamwork, a scout is required to work together with their team. We usually called squad. And also how can we solve problems without using too much emotions. When there is a competition, teamwork is needed to win. 

   Then, get lots of new friends. Usually when we have a campsite, we can make new friends between classes or between schools and even between districts. Regardless of race, religious ethnicity, we can befriend others. In one of the camps that I have been to, the 'Raimuna Nasional XI' there I met many friends from Sabang to Merauke. And getting acquainted with friends from Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam, they are very friendly.

   Next, understand how important it is to care more about the environment. For example, by teaching us to be a person who is more sensitive to the environment and not someone who is careless to the environment. Because as human we must be care about environtment. We must know what is happening in our environment, for example if there are natural disasters. When I was a boy scout, we held a fundraiser for flood victims in Bangkinang a few years ago. Very happy to see them accepting our help with a happy face. 

    Having experience as a scout member is very precious and I feel worth to follow it when high school although most people say that scouts are dirty but I do not care because there I get a lot of benefits and experience that I will not get anywhere.

The Scout movement, also known as Scouting or the Scouts, is a voluntary non-political educational movement for young people open to all without distinction of gender, origin, race or creed, in accordance with the purpose, principles and method conceived by the founder, Lord Baden-Powell. Scout movement originated in British in 1908. Scouting is one of the many extracurriculars in the school. When I was in high school I chose Boy Scouts as my extracurricular choice because it really caught my attention. In scouting I got a lot of experience and lessons.

First about Teamwork, a scout is required to work together with their team. We usually call with the word squad. How can we solve problems without using emotions. When there is a competition, teamwork is needed to win.

Then, get lots of new friends. Usually when we have a campsite, we can make new friends between classes or between schools and even between districts. Regardless of race, religious ethnicity, we can befriend others. It can make us look at the world very broadly. Or get new friends who can be good friends with us. Its so fantastic have a friend from different school!

Next, understand how important it is to care more about the environment. For example, by teaching us to be a person who is more sensitive to the environment and not someone who is careless to the environment. Because as human we must be care about environtment. 

Actually there are still many but it may take more than one weeks to tell about it hehe. Having experience as a scout member is very precious and I feel worth to follow it when high school although most people say that scouts are dirty but I do not care because there I get a lot of benefits and experience that I will not get anywhere.